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Custodial parents do not have to prove how they spend child support

A common concern for Vernon Hills, Illinois, parents with child support obligations is ensuring that the co-parent uses these funds correctly. While this concern is easy to understand, most family courts require no proof of how a parent uses support payments. Unfortunately, this leaves many noncustodial parents without a solution for their concerns.

We understand how parents can feel out-of-control when it comes to the use of their child support payments. Often, a family law attorney can help you identify the possible misuse of your support funds. If it turns out that your child’s needs are going unfilled, you can take your concerns and any evidence you and your lawyer find to the court for resolution.

Why do courts not require proof of child support expenditures?

Asking for proof is ineffective because the expenses involved in raising and providing for children are not cut-and-dried. Child support should cover the most basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. However, it may also cover things like entertainment for the child and perhaps even internet bills.

Another factor making it problematic to track support expenses is that your co-parent also contributes financially to your child’s upbringing. In short, this means that your support funds mingle with your co-parent’s financial contributions. As you might expect, it is practically impossible to determine which parent’s money pays for specific things.

In the end, you may have to trust in your co-parent to make the best financial decisions for your child. However, it is smart to keep your eyes open for possible misuse. It may also help to remember that courts in Illinois and other states are always on the side of your child.

Please, continue reviewing our website content for additional information about child-related family law matters.

